Boss Bottled Triumph Elixir 2024

26.06.2024 - 08:42 AM
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Fat Fahrenheit

The offshoots and flankers of Boss Bottled must be record-breaking by now. Outrageously confusing and unnecessary. Nevertheless, they seem to be successful enough. And now, as with this "Bottled Triumph Elixir", fragrances that are completely foreign to Bottled DNA are being launched under the label... Well, it's cool and curiosity doesn't do that. I tested it anyway. And the fragrance itself can do little or nothing for this strategy...

"Bottled T.E." is a patchouli bomb. That is its backbone and its character. However, it starts with such a strong violet tint that thoughts of Fahrenheit automatically come to mind. In combination with the creamier components, it is most reminiscent of the heavy Fahrenheit flanker a la "Parfum". This results in a very cozy, warm evening and night-out fragrance. Despite marketing with current young footballers such as Havertz or Foden, the fragrance could hardly be further removed from sport or the soccer pitch. And from the former "Boss Bottled". But that's just the way it is. And the hip footballers also need a fragrance for evening events, it's not like that. Maybe Kai will be wearing it at the championship party in three weeks' time - I'd be delighted! in any case, "Triumph Elixir" is a classic cover scent, cozy and autumnal. Sweet, grown-up, thick. Between cookie shelf and library, between hippie and pastille dad, between dribble artist and suit model. Dense and hearty, mysterious and bear-like.

Flacon: dark and familiar
Sillage: a creamy patchouli wave
Longevity: double digits almost every time

Conclusion: little Bottled, more Fahrenheit, completely Patchbomb - this Bottled surprises rather than really blows you away. An unusual embrace. Patchouli done modern.
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Lily Roux

Hello! I'm Lily Roux, a passionate perfumer with over 20 years of experience crafting unique scents. I specialize in creating personalized perfume impressions tailored to your desires. This site is where I'll be sharing my love for perfumes and everything fascinating about them. Welcome aboard, and let's embark on a fragrant journey together!