Akkad 2012

Akkad by Lubin
Bottle Design Serge Mansau
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8.2 / 10 646 Ratings
According to EssenceVitae Research Team A popular perfume by Lubin for women and men, released in 2012. Furthermore The scent is spicy-resinous. The longevity is above-average. It is still in production.
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Fragrance Pyramid


8.2646 Ratings
8.2542 Ratings
7.3548 Ratings
8.0485 Ratings
Value for money
7.1159 Ratings
Submitted by Kankuro, last update on 27.06.2024.

Smells similar

What the fragrance is similar to
Per Fumum: Ambra Luminosa by Annette Neuffer
Per Fumum: Ambra Luminosa
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Mitzah by Dior
Dezember by Erik Kormann
Le Vestiaire - Caftan by Yves Saint Laurent
Le Vestiaire - Caftan
Material by Amouage


20 in-depth fragrance descriptions

3 Reviews
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Top Review 74  
In doubt for the doubt
What do Roja Dove, Sylvaine Delacourte and Gilles Thévenin have in common? Who knows the answer? That's right, Guerlain. The traditional house employs the most talented perfumers and merchants, some of whom later take the path to independence. Roja Dove and Sylvaine Delacourte put perfume on the market under their own names today, not so Gilles Thévenin. To him, however, more in a moment, let's first take a little trip back in time.

We are in the 18th century in France. Pierre-François Lubin is only 10 years old and lives with his parents not far from the Parisian studio of Jean-Louis Fargeon, with whom he is just beginning an apprenticeship. The famous perfumer awakens Pierre-François' love for fragrance essences at an early age. The boy Lubin is 18 when he leaves his patron and with him the capital, which is troubled by the revolution. He continued his education in Grasse, where he learned the "Italian method" from Tombarelli. When the political dust slowly settled, he returned to Paris and completed his knowledge with his old patron. Lubin becomes not only an excellent perfumer, but also an extremely skillful businessman. He opens his first Maison called "Au Bouquet de Roses" in Paris. Lubin expands and exports his creations - the first fragrance house ever to do so - to America. His clientele included Empress Joséphine, Napoleon's wife, the English King George IV and Tsar Alexander I. Fame, honor and fortune paved his path through life. Only one thing is not granted to him, there is no male heir, no one to take over his manufactory from the family.

Felix Prot, his former apprentice and loyal employee, continues the business. Lubin becomes a successful and professionally managed under several generations of family Plot. What then follows in the mid-twentieth century sounds extremely promising at first. Large corporations buy the fragrance manufactory, but Lubin becomes a hit neither with Henkel, nor with the 4711 manufacturer Muehlens, nor with Wella. The brand leads a shadowy existence, goes down miserably among the many beauty products.

Salvation comes in 2004, when Gilles Thévenin, who until then was the creative director at Guerlain and head of marketing at Rochas, makes a momentous decision. He literally goes to the extreme limits of his comfort zone and even beyond. He sells all his belongings. His prestigious house, his cars and his antiques soon find new owners. In his own words, he describes this time as follows: "My grandmother was crying. Then, at 45, I was alone in a room, a former servant's quarters. But I was happy. It was almost like getting married. I knew I was going to dedicate myself to this company. I want to keep the quality perfumery alive."

At the beginning, he works mainly with two well-known "noses", with Delphine Thierry and with Thomas Fontaine. Thomas is the architect and also the Indiana Jones of fragrances. He systematically assembles his creations, fragrance brick by fragrance brick, building "cathedrals". He is also the master of reformulations. Delphine Thierry takes a completely different approach, she is the poet among perfumers, conveying feelings, moods, telling stories. She is also the creator of Akkad.

Many comments and Lubin's website say that Akkad was created in reference to the Mesopotamian ruler of Akkad - Sargon. "The essence of Akkad is the gift of the beautiful Ishtar, who loved and protected me. It contains the most precious ointments of Pound and the islands of the great sea and those much farther away. This ambergris is like the light that illuminates my kingdom, the most precious treasure of my kingdom." (Quote www.lubin.eu). But this is only half the truth. The first inspiration for Akkad comes from Provance, where Delphine Thierry has lived with her family for a few years. From her house in a small village, a stone path leads to the river. As she walked along this very path one summer day, she reflected on the fact that stones do have a subtle scent. She enjoyed the scent of spices such as thyme, oregano and also that of rock roses. This "luminous area", the sweaty skin, a bath in the river at the end of a hot August day, the exuberant and happy feeling, sensuality, the sun going down were the real emotional sources for Akkad. Gilles Thévenin allowed the fantasy worlds around the later fragrance to emerge. He accompanies each fragrance development, which takes well over a year, until the creation is balanced and harmonizes with the name, bottle and story.

Please forgive me the long introduction. I am often as fascinated by the people behind the scenes as their compositions and I find their inspirations stimulating.

Thévenin already liked the first fragrance creation of Delphine Thierry very much. The link between sun, nature, stone and sensuality appealed to him. And indeed, the fleeting beauty of the top note carries the sun in the heart. This light-footed, approachable nature, the minimal citrus, the fresh herbs and the warm, sensual, slightly humanizing labdanum also take me by storm.

The mineral one guesses directly. This direction associates Gilles Thévenin with a temple. At his suggestion, the incense portion was increased in the fragrance, so that the sacred aspect is also emphasized. Through balsamic notes such as resins, styrax and benzoin and also through amber, Akkad later becomes "physically tangible".

The pyramid suggests a dark fragrance and honestly does not appeal to me at all. I was completely surprised that although Akkad "Noire" comes along, the fragrance shines amazingly bright. This ambivalence comes close to squaring the circle and gives an idea of what an extraordinary talent Delphine Thierry has.

At this point, I would write in other comments about the fact that lovers of incense fragrances absolutely must test. That all who love NU by Yves Saint Laurent and Coco or Coco Noire should go directly to the souk and acquire a bottling as soon as possible. But I don't. Because Akkad is niche perfume in the best sense of the word, craft of great emotions. Everyone should enjoy it at some point, because few fragrances have as much personality and such a natural aura as this perfume. The fact that not everyone can wear Akkad is not the deciding factor.

My conclusion: occasionally explore the boundaries of your comfort zone, because that's where the adventure begins. And also test against your preferences. In doubt for the doubt.

Sources: "The fragrance account for exciting gentlemen" - Die Zeit // "Fragrances like cathedrals" - Handelszeitung // "The fragrance renaissance" - Manager Magazin // "The eccentric of fragrances" - GEO // www.lubin.eu // Wikipedia

81 Reviews
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Top Review 51  
My Amber No. 40
Akkad the Hawk .
Uncapped. From the peg, from the distant realm. From the realm of the dazzling peacock throne and dark, evil cassocks, the falcon swoops over the wet land, over Eden, Paradise, with primordial-animalism poignant. From Mesopotamia drastic to the Levant.
Assaults me, shows me claws and talons, and with sharp beak whistling rips notes, almost medicinal, into the air and under my skin. Over finely cut bergamot and tangerine into my feathers. A scent like a plunge onto prey, a nip in the neck and a lasting mark.
With the chamsin my hawk rises. Feathered with elemi and styrax. Up over dusty cardamom, to airy, shimmering heights. Over Syrian strains, powdery and resinous into the incense skies of the mighty, the warriors, the merchants, and the downtrodden peoples. Draws high circles in the clouds and settles on the heights of Lebanon, on wood, on soft needles of great firs, on clary sage, on the cinnamon in the meadows of blood, on flowery vanilla and mysterious, reconciling labdanum.
He finds his long rest on the incense roads, from Yemen to Medina, from Petra to sunken Ebla. Even to long-forgotten Haran. Where Abraham searched. My falcon brings the frankincense over the land.
Gracious incense. Divine incense. Peace of the Levant.
Akkad the dove.

13 Reviews
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Top Review 49  
The smallest details..
Delphine Thierry, the wonderful perfumer of this wonderful fragrance, probably always starts with the idea of a new fragrance by opening her ears, opening her eyes and being open to all the emotions that surround her. Because a fragrance, she says, is born from the smallest little things. What are the smallest little things? The rustling of leaves in the cool breeze of an autumn morning? The sound of the first thick drops on the hot asphalt on an August evening? But also the tear that runs down your cheek as it unloads from your saturated eye when you finally blink...
Lubin is exactly like that. The fragrance starts low, despite its bergamot and manderine top notes. There's no time for shallow superficialities here. The resin is there quickly and stays until the end. Frankincense, amber and patchouli surround a deep vanilla. This fragrance is a masterpiece. It envelops, comforts and protects. It gives the wearer a comforting feeling that life is made up of the smallest little things.
I will be wearing this perfume to a funeral tomorrow. A funeral of a person I held very dear. Remembering a time when it was all about the smallest little things in life. It was about the song we hadn't heard in years. It was about coffee together on the patio with the first rays of sunshine. It was about conversations that hadn't been had in years. About memories. About laughing no matter what tomorrow brings. Laughing today!!! We are alive. We are as close as we probably were the last time we did things together as young girls. Today. Today we eat chocolate again. My dear soul - sister, I am honored to wear this scent on your farewell tomorrow. Not for the sake of mourning. No, for the sake of the little things we've finally come to appreciate these past few months together

101 Reviews
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Top Review 32  
Recently in Akkad
When Europe was still in the Stone Age, Sargon ruled over the kingdom of Akkad. His father was a gardener and he himself was only the king's cupbearer. Until one day he met Ishtar (Inanna), the androgynous supreme goddess of the Assyrians, responsible for light, war, political power and much more. Sargon had just brought mandarins and bergamot fruits and had a wreath of clary sage blossoms on his uncrowned head. Ishtar, on the other hand, was mysteriously surrounded by incense swivels of both sexes. We don't know exactly what they were talking about, but Ishtar gave the boy a clay pot of resinous oil. Later Sargon anointed himself with the substance that smelled of cardamom, various resins and vanilla. So he entered the throne room and the old king sank dead from the throne with envy. That's how good Sargon smelled. All the courtiers then fell to the ground in front of Sargon and tried to kiss his feet and, if possible, smear themselves with a grain of the mysterious substance. Sargon was then appointed king, of course.

Sargon wore his divine ointment all year round, but whether we want it or not, we have to find out for ourselves. He only had to rub it in once a day, it held and held. Sargon thus went to war (this can certainly be considered a sport), went to dance events, to the temple of Ishtar and dictated cuneiform texts. The women found the fragrant Sargon very attractive and so he had many descendants. And if they didn't die, they still spray themselves with Akkad from Lubin today.

119 Reviews
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Top Review 20  
The scent of the cathedrals
It would be ridiculous to write yet another comment on this wonderful fragrance - in my opinion, everything that can be said has been said to convince even the last doubter: Akkad simply has to be tried.
I am currently reading a light but exciting novel, "Fresh Snow" by Lucy Foley, in which one of the female characters, a hip, successful Londoner, is characterized as follows: "Every now and then I get a cloud of her perfume, heavy and smoky. Only she can afford such a thing" (p. 21), "Every time she turned to him to talk to him, he got a gush of her heavy, smoky perfume" (p. 29), and finally: "While he walks behind her, he smells the scent of her perfume again. It has a smoky note that reminds one of a church" (p. 102). But also a male figure is described in this way, and even more fittingly, because here the fragrance is not described as "heavy": "Nick smells like lemon and a touch of incense as always" (p. 75). Neither can be Akkad - Akkad is not heavy like the female figure and the incense is not just a touch like the male figure. Nevertheless I imagine Akkad and variations of Akkad all the time. In any case, the fragrance is not only beautiful, but apparently quite modern. Frankincense, the main note in Akkad, is simply a gigantically beautiful, sacredly evocative fragrance which - if you like it, provided you like it - can put you into deepest relaxation. The multiple associations it provides, the reminiscences of historical events, the sensitive opening it creates, make it an exceptional fragrance for me. In Akkad, this fragrant jewel is perfectly composed with amber, patchouli and vanilla notes to create a harmonious whole. This fragrance is by no means suitable for everyday life, but rather for the sacred moments in life: a visit to an old church, attending Holy Mass, a walk along the Way of St. James, a meditation session.

You should give this fragrance an unrestricted chance if the pyramid appeals to you at first. I personally would be attracted by the fresh top note - but it fades quickly and gives way to the fantastic spice mixture, which gives an impression of deep fullness. In the absolute center of attention is the incense, and it seems to me impossible not to immediately feel a sacred atmosphere here - like most others. Still remembering the Epiphany of yesterday, I see the travellers from the Orient before me, their camels laden with gold, frankincense and myrrh, moving out of the desert on a cool night to approach a stable. I hear their crackling traveling garments, the steady trot of animals, and a verse of a song by Loreena McKennitt comes to my mind, "Caravanserai":

We woke that morning at the onward call / Our camels bridled up, our howdahs full
The sun was rising in the eastern sky / Just as we set out to the desert's cry

These travelers would have worn Akkad.
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4 short views on the fragrance
Jbl775Jbl775 1 month ago
My personal favorite amber of all time. Its spicy in the right way, sensual in the right way. It stays calm but gives a great impression.
FragaddictedFragaddicted 2 years ago
Mystical but also sensual, a descent into the profane pleasures of ancient tyrants, an exhalation of sacred oils and precious spices.
BoBoChampBoBoChamp 3 years ago
After a brief bright spicy opening, this gently smoky, yet dry oriental spicy-resinous Fall fragrance, settles to warm resinous-woody base
MRothMRoth 6 years ago
Unisex frankincense backed by aromatics. Softer, more wearable compared to monolithic TF Sahara Noir. Dries down to a gourmand amber.


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Lily Roux

Hello! I'm Lily Roux, a passionate perfumer with over 20 years of experience crafting unique scents. I specialize in creating personalized perfume impressions tailored to your desires. This site is where I'll be sharing my love for perfumes and everything fascinating about them. Welcome aboard, and let's embark on a fragrant journey together!


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