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Ambercase 3 years ago 7 1
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Vanilla all the way back
On the website, this fragrance is described as sunny vanilla. He actually starts bright, slightly citrusy, but also a bit tart.

On the website, the fragrance promises a trip to exotic islands and dreamy beaches. I come with this fragrance honestly not further than to the Mediterranean. Since the marketing club has applied something too thick. If a fragrance is to trigger something like this in my head, there must be something more behind it.

In fact, I smell pepper, sandalwood and tart grapefruit. Gradually joins a slight eraser note to it, which unfortunately gives the fragrance a certain artificiality.

Of the SD fragrances for me the weakest. A nice warm vanilla I miss, he closes citrus-woody with a small pinch of vanilla.

Would stand ladies and gentlemen well.
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Ambercase 3 years ago 15 1
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Cool Herbs Unisex Vanilla
Virgile is the third fragrance of the Vannille series by Sylviane Delacourte, which I would like to describe here.

It starts off brash, fresh, very citrusy and smells strongly of tangerine zest and bergamot at the beginning. After a few minutes, a peppery cedar comes through along with vanilla and sage until it warms up a bit and ends in a slightly cooler herbal vanilla. I rate the sillage as rather subtle and pleasant. Only the durability could be better.

Overall, I find the fragrance very refreshing and definitely unisex, suitable for rather warmer days. He is neither too tart for ladies nor too sugary for men.

What amazes and delights me is that you can really sniff out every single ingredient in this fragrance. Like a flower that opens slowly, pushes itself with the time always a new note through and the fragrance turns into the vanillige.

Vanilla forms the final chord in all fragrances of this series even if it does not always play the main role from the beginning. SD interweaves the vanilla again and again with seemingly opposing notes and creates so small works of art.

I find that the vanilla series of SD is great perfumery art. Not any slapped together Wässerchen made on expensive, but a really thought-out concept and composed with love, dedication and passion. To discover something like this is a real pleasure
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Ambercase 3 years ago 12 9
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I think my nose is going crazy....
One thing first: I love Guerlain fragrances and also own some bottles and bottlings. The praise for the fragrance have made me quite curious and with the pyramid I was quite curious how Champs-Élysées would smell. I like lilac, rose, peony, mimosa, vanilla and floral-fruity always goes.

Full of anticipation, I sprayed the fragrance on the back of my hand, and then came the shock. What was missed there my nose, I had not expected: Stale floral water with sour fruit salad and wilted lily of the valley. It shook me. Where is the rose? Where's the mimosa? Nothing of lovely lilac, melon or sweet vanilla. I love the scent of lilac blossoms. I rejoice every spring that I can sink my nose into lilac blossoms. This scent, however, makes me nauseous. I waited to see if there would possibly be a transformation and the scent would smooth out or calm down.
After two hours, the same scenario: stale lilac floral water with wilted lily of the valley and in addition joined a sour note, which reminds me latently of Erbochenes. I'll call it a vomit note here. It is described here as powdery, I smell no powder at all, not even a mini crumb.

More than two hours I have unfortunately not endured, I had to wash off the fragrance.
I have no idea which of the fragrance components of Champ-Elysees gives my nose this sour-shale impression. I will spray the fragrance again on a paper strip and see what he does then after a few hours so.

A rating I do not dare to give yet, because I find Champ-Elysees at the moment still quite terrible
Ambercase 3 years ago 14 1
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Sunny vanilla
This is the second fragrance from the vanilla series by Sylvaine Delacourte that I have tested. This also makes an interesting course through.

It starts citrusy fresh and the vanilla can only be guessed at the beginning. Instead, bergamot, mandarin and orange blossom come through and make the sun shine. He actually smells very clean for me at first.
After a while, it gets interesting. Then buttery vanilla comes through and the scent also smells like honey with a splash of tonka.
As it progresses, all the notes fade away until you are left with a very sweet vanilla scent at the end.

Again, Operation Vanilla has succeeded.

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Ambercase 3 years ago 8 3
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Dark campfire vanilla
Since I like vanilla, I was quite delighted when there was a sample set of Sylvaine Delacourte on the theme of vanilla with five fragrances to buy. I will now work off all in succession.

Until now I knew only very gourmandige vanilla fragrances and was quite excited at the description, as here the vanilla will present itself.

This fragrance starts very unisex and woody-dark. In the background, a ticked vanilla can be guessed. A bit of green peeks through but is kept from presenting itself by the sandalwood. Basil I can only guess.
In the course, this fragrance becomes smoky sweet-dry but still remains sweet. The smoky remains relatively long until a dark vanilla stick remains at the end. It reminds perhaps somewhat of pipe tobacco with vanilla aroma. As a pictorial association, I actually had in mind a campfire in front of a log cabin with bearded friends in lumberjack shirts. It's funny what images the brain pulls out.

The durability is okay but gets weaker as it goes on. I can imagine him on women and men. For all who like it rather smoky and less gourmandig it is definitely an interesting fragrance
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