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FrauHolle 3 years ago 42 10
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Hello, Delphine. Hello, Thierry.
You will surely ask yourself, why does this perfume come off so badly with the EssenceVitae community. I will tell you:

The topic "Rose-Oud" is told out; Since 2017 already. And there you can probably now, self-explanatory / calculating, also 2021 no more rose, uh, flower pot win with.
Although I think that one wanted to be with this creation not even freeloading on the road, because something like hazelnut and fig would speak absolutely against it.
Perceptible, however, is neither of them, and yet this jumble of aromas of rose, and also the oud, makes it quite difficult to be a rose oud, if you understand what I mean.

Rather, the subject here smells olibanum/incense, in a melange à dãsch, with a somewhat lovely rose, rather creaky-fresh pepper(?), cedarwood(?), and IF, then yes, a very artificial oud.
Is that so?
Has Guerlain really let themselves rag (Translator please times switch off) and let themselves in on the slippery slope of the cheap flavors? Already no one notices?
But we, here, notice it. Because we've been doing nothing but smelling your perfumes every single day, besides sleeping&growing, for many, many years.

I'm sorry, this perfume will be at the location Germany unfortunately, unfortunately Bück-, or lead goods.

With kind regards,
i love you anyway.
Your Mrs. Holle
FrauHolle 3 years ago 37 6
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Quiet down there!
So, I'll decide that:

After I have now watched all the YT videos of Roja Dove, I would now like to tell you that the brand, Roja Dove, is not, as most here certainly assume, a soap, and shower gel lotion brand, no, but a real mad Englishman (what for superlatives, what for?) from his high-end fragrance organ virtuosos famose high-end perfume creations exhausted, creates; And if you can not even smell THAT out, that is now times ALL your fault.

Yes, sure Danger smells kind of like Héritage EdT (I've suggested myself) but just much, much doller.

One thing in advance, the approach to the production of a cologne concentration in the house of Roja is about like you would dilute gasoline with spirit at Esso. Please do not replicate this at home.
He just wants to be loud, the scent, the man, the jewelry, this whole giddy printed satin outfit wants to be loud; Spoiler Alert: It all is!

Let's make no secret of it, Kojak has nowmal all the horny ingredients there that Symrise has eg not there. Cheap Esther has Roja not there. Why should he? His customer is not Henkel, who wants to reformulate everything cheaper and cheaper. His customers are we, Vollstecker, who do not know where to go with all their, laundered money, ähh, wait; Interesting, how many of you, young people, have recently voted FDP? Gladly to the DruKos.

Danger is a cute lavender lavanderia lekker leather chocolate patch. Like that.
Have a good evening.
FrauHolle 3 years ago 15 8
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Get the tannins out of the latrine, Tine! (ancient Greek proverb)
Plant tannins (so-called tannins) have been used for centuries not only in perfumes, but also in medicine, a variety of healing effects have been proven.
Tannins are further, by perfumers and physicians quasi purely accidentally discovered, as a taste component of wine and tea known.

Briefly on the chem. Formula, it is like this, tannins combine with proteins on contact, which changes their properties:
The water bound in the proteins is displaced by the tannins. Who doesn't know this:
Some tannins form very stable colour complexes with metal salts, mainly iron salts, which used to be used to make writing ink. The fact that ink did not succeed in the market in the long term has something to do with digitization, but also the production discontinuation of the ink killer. (complex topic)

What is still important to know: the chemical detection of tannins succeeds with the vanillin HCl reaction (red coloration) and vanillin was invented in my home country, I'm just saying.

What do we smell here now?
Black tea/ East Frisian tea, brings tannins with it, in abundance, and is complemented by reds, Bordeaux-typical aromas like cassis and black cherry, seasoned with allspice (pepper) and thyme. Delicious!
FrauHolle 3 years ago 19 7
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What's in Voltaren!?
Welcome to another workshop: smelling fragrances out of familiar products.
Today we are looking for the ingredients of the well-known painkiller to smear that you also have at home, even if you just do not want to admit it: Voltaren.

So we apply left hand #Voltaren, and right hand, to the Ver-, and adjustment #Sancti, and try our noses left not to press too deep into the tuna, because otherwise the numb! Should you, fortunately, have pain in that hand right now, you are statistically one of the rare cases of left-handed people with a higher than average potential for aggression.
Rein yourself in.

But to the scent: what exactly are we smelling here.
All sorts of resinous things. Pine needles? Spruce thicket? Frankincense!
Exactly, you have researched & interpreted that very well, because I have all that too.
But eucalyptus!? WHO called that in!?

The star perfumer, with whom I have also developed my latest perfume, whose name I can not say here, so both, but if you ever a little rumklixt already dahinter comes, means: Voltaren smells like eucalyptus, and only and exclusively thereafter.
This is not so.

Voltaren smells like Sancti. Now also not ONLY, but already neatly in the direction, and the next thing I hold the Lord under the trunk, will probably be this incense; Because it can not be that Symrise rumdoktert on our products, and in the end, AS ALWAYS, the Pantene-peach mixture continues in the shampoo, and NOT, as it would be NORMAL, in the Zott yogurt lands.

We really need to stay on top of this to prevent anything worse.
Please help.
FrauHolle 3 years ago 21 14
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Good evening.

Today I would like to address a taboo subject that I'm sure many people in a perfume forum also struggle with, and don't quite know how to deal with: Trampolines.

Yeah, (outing) my family owned (owns?/attic) one of those too. It was in the 80s, where this part adorned our living room and alone with its not insignificant size every visitor only so entgegenruf: "Look here! Here lives a sports family, which jumps quite gladly"!
The round something with the red edge, under whose hidden spirals, in which one always caught oneself with the large uncle, stood directly beside the ping-pong table, which one could convert practically also to the completely normal, round dining table, namely by removing the two center parts, and naturally the screw clamps with the plastic net removed; The eye eats with it.
Bouncing was my thing. Bouncing was great. Bought weightlessness for only 29.99 DM. (almost 60 euros!)

Mutti & I could be glad that Dad left the trampoline in the room, and not banished to the boiler room, where above the already quite narrow doorway pipes and clotheslines ran; I'm just not sure if he did, because that would explain some.

Anyway, it wasn't until decades later that the high-powered sports industry invented this e-scooter pole that seemed to provide secure grip in front of the device, permanently mounted, while bouncing, and I was long out of the bouncing age. Well, yes, the lot of the prematurely born. Again.

And today? GOOGLE-EARTH IT YOURSELF! They're in every other well-manicured front yard! Super Duper King, and Queen size trampolines, with nets and ladders and everything Pi Pa Po, for the dear little ones! Ugly behemoths that no one needs! Which give children, yes, EVEN YOURS, the mistaken impression that they can do ANYTHING in life, can go HIGH, ALWAYS with safety fall protection left and right! Is that what you want your children to take away with them?
Or is it just your own ego that feels heavily belly fluffed as it imagines your brood bouncing: My little one can reach ANYTHING one day! Even the stars! And if not, at least his art is good enough for a good third place in the Paralympics, at least he can already scream like Angus Young, and with a little more enthusiasm, we look forward to a career at NASA for him absolutely confident!

Parents: COME BACK DOWN, and share fucking fucking trampolines!!!

About the scent: smells like a trampoline.
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