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Micha1984 3 years ago 10 3
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A fragrance that I feel...
Acqua di Gio... What we have already heard and written about this fragrance. Along with Fahrenheit by Dior, it is one of the fragrances with which I cherish more moments and memories than with any other fragrance so far. They are not only the fragrances of our fathers, but also bearers of thoughts of situations, experiences and special people in our lives. At this point I would also like to mention my dear EssenceVitae friend Salva in this review, who just like me, belongs to the 80's - 90's generation and also shares a lot of thoughts and memories with this fragrance. Acqua di Gio can be said to have brought us a bit closer together. Love greetings my dear. :)

Anyway, this is exactly the reason why I can feel these fragrances so. Because they bring me back after applying exactly to these said moments of the various facets and situations in my life. As an example: with Acqua di Gio I met my first great love back then. If I smell him, I am immediately back then in the situation when I sat with palpitations at the bus station and waited bouncing and totally nervous for the bus with which she came from her village. I can still see her getting off the bus with her adorable smile and her improbable stunning aura that surrounded her. But what really gives me goosebumps is the thought of the first time I kissed her. I don't think I need to explain to anyone how it feels to kiss someone you've fallen head over heels in love with for the first time. It's a great and very emotional feeling that words can't describe. This is exactly such an experience that I associate with Acqua di Gio

Essenza is thereby a fragrance that when it came out, fully passed me by. About it I'm still annoyed, because unfortunately he was discontinued and only available at horrendous prices. Nevertheless, I was lucky to get hold of a bottle at an acceptable price here in the souk, about which I am more than happy.

But now to the fragrance... Acqua die Gio Essenza is for me the offshoot, which probably comes closest to the original. The prelude is very strongly characterized by the grapefruit and metallic aquatic notes. This is joined by slightly spicy nuances, which round it off very nicely alongside the dominant acidic metallic aquatic. The base, which is reached after hours, is then this typical brackish water smell which I have also heard the original so and very much appreciated.

The shelf life is brutal with 6 sprays, at least in my batch.... The fragrance lasts from morning to morning the next day.... For an Aquaten probably an absolute exception and definitely not of this world... Will probably be due to the synthetic Paradisone/Cascalone!? Whereby I must also say that my skin can do well with such fragrances and these stick to it for a long time. The sillage is, at least with me also incredibly good and I take the fragrance even the next morning still discreet.

Subsequently, it remains to say ... write that Acqua di Gio Essenza is a masterpiece for me and I can not understand why one sets such a grandiose fragrance? Anyone who loves and appreciates Acqua di Gio, will certainly like this one very much. Should you have the chance to get him "relatively" cheap or to test him, then do it, you will not regret it.

Thanks for reading... Your Micha :)

Micha1984 3 years ago 14 4
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Happiness is found in the little things in life....
Happiness... What is it actually and how do you define it?! For some, happiness is being healthy and fit. For others to have a house or a big car. Some enjoy their wealth or being able to do many things without having to think about it. How you define it depends on how you look at life. For me, happiness is getting up in the morning every day and being happy that I am healthy and alert. For me, happiness is having friends and family for whom materialism is not the predominant attitude in life or everyday life and who, just like me, enjoy the small attentions in life. That can be as little as a friendly smile emanating from someone strange you happen to meet along the way. Happiness for me is walking in the park, feeling the sunshine on my face and being enveloped by a beautiful scent that I can enjoy and absorb with all the perceptions around me. One of those scents is Versace Pour Homme, which for me is also happiness because I discovered it for myself and enjoy it so much. Also because it is actually one of the little things in life that show that joy doesn't always have to be big or expensive.... What also makes Versace Poure Homme special for me is its incredibly beautiful and transparent aura that it radiates...

The fragrance itself starts with a great freshness, which is clearly characterized by citrus and aquatic notes. Oh this top note... This is so beautiful! For me, one of the best top notes after Acqua Di Giò Edt that I know. After the slow fade of the top note, the scent becomes a bit more crate - tart and a bit creamy - woody towards the middle. The base is determined by the amber and woody notes, but oud I can not really perceive!

The durability is really good for a fragrance that is so fresh and lasts 7-8h depending on the temperature. The sillage is also quite decent for a Freshi and one is perceived depending on the amount, quite long from the environment.

The flacon is for me a feast for the eyes ... Simple, with beautiful small details and a beautiful radiant blue, which exactly reflects the content. Since everything just fits together and makes it almost perfect for me.

Finally, it remains to write that Versace and Alberto have created a fragrance here, which is extremely easy to like and which definitely brings in compliments. The you can wear anywhere, anytime and on any occasion without a guilty conscience. But he is so much more for me and I am happy that we have met and get along so well.

Thank you for reading and stay healthy.

Micha :)
Micha1984 3 years ago 14 2
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New interpretation of a classic
There it is now, the new Armani Code Flanker... A golden bonnet promises visually already times much, just like the name and the concentration. But is it really what you expect from it? Well, if you refer to the last offshoots of the series, which tried to bring a little momentum through apple, vanilla and doughy tonka bean, then this one is rather the opposite. Because with the new code Armani apparently tries to reinterpret the old elegance of the original code. The house has also succeeded relatively well, but who now expects something completely new and innovative, will probably be disappointed. Don't get me wrong... I do not want to take the wind out of anyone's sails, because the fragrance is really good... Since he brings but just nothing, which polarizes once again, he is for me certainly a good perfume, which should also certainly inspire many, because he is very easy to like, but in the masses probably ehr will go down. Since there are simply candidates who do their thing better. For me eg: Prada Luna Rossa Black, Valentino Uomo Intense or Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male Le Parfum, to name a few children. Nevertheless, I like it, because it strongly reminds of the forefather and comes with much better potency. This was namely after the countless reformulations in the old code a laughing stock ... But enough gefaselt, we come to the fragrance process...

The new code is as mentioned above, very close to the old original, but seems somewhat more harmonious and refreshed. After a citrusy opening, in which you can perceive the bergamot and tangerine quite well, join nice warm and slightly creamy nuances, which I associate with the lavender in combination with the tonka bean. Towards the middle, it gets a bit cooler, which is probably due to the rosemary. Leather and vanilla resonate with it and up to the base. The drydown is then a rest of tonak, vanilla and a touch of leather. The cedar is not perceptible to my nose in the base.

The durability has improved significantly and is at 8h+ in the upper range, with the fragrance projecting neatly especially in the first 3-4h. After that, it flattens out, but is still well present and becomes skin-tight after about 7-8. Fits already, but could be better measured by the concentration and the price.

The flacon is for me a smooth 10, as it simply looks noble and timeless.... As actually all at Armani.

Subsequently, it remains to write that Armani has here once again a good fragrance releast, which just "and there I include myself" the lovers of the original code should appeal. This fragrance is a beautiful reinterpretation of the original and is definitely a safe number, which should probably appeal to a wide mass. Buyable...? You betcha. :) Thanks for your time.
Micha1984 3 years ago 5 2
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I'm just so fresh, so clean...
And again it happened... Again I associate a fragrance with a certain track. For those who know my comments, I'm sure you know what I mean right away. For those who don't know what I mean, feel free to read my commi on acqua di gio profumo. As the headline suggests, it's a hit song by Outkast. When I put this Prada scent on in the morning, I'm all over it. Not only do I feel fresh and clean, no, I have this said song buzzing in my head all day long. Why? I can't say, it's just there as L'Homme envelops me throughout the day and I smell it. This fragrance is just something very special and fascinates me again and again with its clean aura. I own a few Prada fragrances and have come to really appreciate this brand. Do you not want to apply too thick and be conspicuously inconspicuous? Then get yourself some Prada fragrances! All the fragrances I own from this brand are becoming more and more my 'most complimented fragrances' every now and then. Over and over again I hear from friends, colleagues and recently even from my boss.... You smell so good Micha, what is that beautiful? That makes you happy, doesn't it? :) It is with L'Homme so, that this fragrance is often not even perceived as a perfume by most people? A good friend once got into my car and said, your car smells good... like new... Did you take it to the car wash? I laughed out loud and told him it was my new Prada scent, which he didn't really believe at first. Well...anyway, this fragrance is already really fascinating and I can only recommend everyone to test the times.

To the fragrance itself... Prada L'Homme can probably best be described as a clean, powdery, fresh laundry fragrance. Iris, amber and pepper are the most noticeable for me. Overall, the scent progression is quite linear, yet extremely harmonious and socially acceptable. :) Fresh and clean just!

H+S are as with all Parad fragrances in the upper range to settle and four sprays are enough for me from early to late (10h +). I have often read reports in which the durability and sillage is criticized in Prada fragrances. I can not understand that with me, because all Prada fragrances hold with me for a long time. Whereby I have also noticed that sometimes you think or think he no longer smell, he is still fully there and is still well perceived by the environment. Parad is just a class of its own and I'm now really addicted to this brand

The bottle is beautiful high-quality and reflects the fragrance very well. Clean, elegant, handy and a great spray head.

In conclusion, it remains to say that Prada has delivered here again fully with this fragrance. As usual from the brand, the focus is not to be loud and tick off, but to convey understated elegance. Who has this fragrance here or Prada generally not yet on the Schirmt, should definitely make themselves familiar with it.

Thanks for reading. :)
Micha1984 3 years ago 10 1
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My life essence and the scent for life... But why only always gasoline?
Fahrenheit, an experience of a special kind. A fragrance that you either love or hate. There is no in between here and you have to be ready for him. This was the case for me very early on and since our first encounter, it has been my memory ever since. I had already written a comment about it in the past, but it pissed off one or the other here, which is why I deleted it again. Therefore, I will only refer to my experience with restraint and try, after a short introduction, to describe the scent as I perceive it. I first noticed Fahrenheit in the late 90s because my stepfather wore and owned it at the time. The scent grabbed me and intrigued me from the first moment. So I associate my youth, my growing up, many great moments and situations with it. Almost no other fragrance brings me back, figuratively and mentally to so many situations as this pearl here. His special character makes him out and just not for every man (s) portable or even bearable. Since he is so concise and special and accompanies me half my life and he is afflicted with so many memories, he has become my Lebeselexier, my signature fragrance.

About the fragrance itself... Many compare Fahrenheit with the smell of gasoline, a garage or used oil... Well I work myself in a workshop and know the daily smells of the above-mentioned liquids and I must unfortunately disagree. Fahrenheit smells primarily of leather, chamomile and violet to me. These notes are very noticeable especially in the top notes, although even then, a slightly woody undertone of cedar and vetiver can be heard. Towards the middle, a nice earthy woodiness opens up, at least in my nose, which I would attribute to the vetiver, accompanied by some spicy nutmeg. The drydown for me is a subtle mix of earthiness, woodiness and a subtle tonka - leather note. That is my perception of this fragrance and for me he awakens, if at all, only in the good old vintage version very distant associations with a petrol note what is probably due to the violet or was.

H+S are I think no longer a comparison with the version of the 90s, because there it was a monster. Nevertheless, I can not complain with my current version regarding lack of or underground H+S. On me, the scent holds with 4 sprays well over 10h+ whereby he projects very well in the first 3-4 hours and is only slowly quiet.

The bottle... i think you do not need to say much about it. Simple, unspectacular but still a good reflection of what is inside. The spray head is not the best and could atomize finer.

Finally, it remains to write that Dior has created here a fragrance that, despite its age, has not fallen into the mainstream, like other colleagues aka 1 Million, Acqua Di Gio or Sauvage.... Its rough edges have since saved it from becoming a dead worn crowdpleaser. As long as he exists, he will always belong to me, just like my memories, my experiences, my life. Thanks for reading. :)
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