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Nttn 3 years ago 4 4
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Fruit Bats- the exotic bat
I did not want to try the actually, but if then the new reformulation. I know it would frustrate me if I like it with the knowledge, but there is not! Have me but quickly convinced because the fragrance is simply now under a different name and label continues.

The fragrance was implemented with the task of interpreting the bat so great, creative and unexpected. When I think of bats I have many associations, but never that of an exotic jungle bat. Now I have one more association. Bat makes me think of wildly flying bats that gleefully sink their teeth into overripe exotic fruits. The juice flies around and sticks to their fur. And all this in a pristine, dense, overgrown green jungle environment, where even wood and leaves smell animalistic and wild roots reach up into the air.

On the opening, you can smell the bananas very strongly. At first I thought, uh a slight alcohol note, I do not like at all. But then I realized it's just an overripe sweet banana close to being gourmand. Close to the edge of tipping. Wasn't sure I liked it at first, but then thought it was brilliant. After that I smell all the exotic fruits you can imagine, figs, starfruit and co. Paired with vibrant earth / jungle smell.
To me, it doesn't smell like a cave at all, it smells like a dense, wild, animalistic jungle.

This vibrant earth/root/jungle note gets stronger in the base and stays. Interestingly, this note reminded me of something I knew. Then it came to me. An ex-work colleague of mine often wore DoTerra's pure oregano essential oil. It smelled strong and chased everyone away. I loved it though. It smelled great, not like regular oregano, but it also had this extremely vibrant spicy earthy note.

I'm not really a fruit fan, and to me these are by no means rotten fruit. The dream jungle has just too many of them and the animals do not get behind with the food. The scent is so great interpreted and evokes a great exotic image in me, so I am very comfortable with the fruits. They simply belong to the image and habitat of the Fruit Bat.
Nttn 3 years ago 6 9
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Incense and balm
A really beautiful fragrance. I like every phase. The massive scratchy absinthe incense prelude, to the beautiful balsamic drydown.I like it here especially well. The scent is very incense-heavy at first whiff, which lasts and should be liked. Vanilla amber with meditative dominant tolu balsam soon mix in, rounding off the incense and softening it. Exactly these two phases has the fragrance on me.

A powerful but still somehow a cuddly scent that I wear for me for meditative well-being.
Nttn 4 years ago 4
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Simply beautiful
During a trip to Paris in 2009, together with a friend, the nice salesman in Paris Lafayette managed to sell Black Afgano and China White to my friend and me respectively.

Again, like Black Afgano, I don't smell any coke or heroin out in the China White. However, smell an addictive impression of it. Especially in the heart, which fortunately lasts a long time with me, shines this addictive white deep powderiness. It's not a dull baby powder I'm talking about. It's deeper,darker but it still britches and glows. And it's really addictive. Probably like heroin. I'm having trouble describing what exactly China White smells like.
Yes there comes through a very very slightly woody mustiness at the end that I don't 100% like. It is probably this old-fashioned note that many do not like. But it also does not bother me because it is not dominant to me to perceive and the phase before that is just too horny.

I get surprisingly many compliments when I wear the fragrance, which I would never have thought with the.
Nttn 4 years ago 9
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No black Afgane
During a trip to Paris in 2009, together with a friend, the nice salesman in Paris Lafayette managed to sell Black Afgano and China White to my friend and me respectively.
And I still love both.

I would claim that I have experience with the green one and I have to say that the Black Afgano smells neither like cannabis nor like black afgano....a luck. Despite the fact that I like cannabis, I must say that I am not too much of a fan of especially smoked cannabis scents
I have noticed that Black Afgano can develop a slightly sweaty animalic note on men, probably associated with cannabis. With me, this sweat note does not come out. It is a nice deep sweet leathery scent. Not so smoky, more earthy and moist. very nice.
Later I noticed that BA is bit the entry-level fragrance in the niche world, somehow everyone had the and I smelled him everywhere. Shortly thereafter also came out many fragrance twins like Fortis, Cuirs,Black Oud etc.....but BA remains personally for me the best among the similar smelling.
Nttn 4 years ago 6 5
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Grey cloud forest
Since I'm just looking for a black-green, dark green mysterious forest fragrance, with really a lot of forest, I had to try Arso of course. Profumum Roma is one of my favorite houses, however, the fragrances I know and own are mainly the sweet.

Arso is a beautiful and noble fragrance. I can't really perceive leather and incense as such, as they blend nicely together. I can, however, sense them. Pine resin I smell out well at first, but even that blends with the rest. Could be stronger for my taste. However, I strongly perceive the pencil lead cedar wood, which unfortunately bothers me a bit. I think it's nice but I don't like that slightly sweet pencil lead aroma. It's too dominant in the whole composition for me. Then there is the fact that later on I notice the leather note in the finish. I don't smell it directly, but when I smell it, exhale and then notice that fruity scratchy leather note after exhaling in the finish. I always have that with scratchy leather.

It's not the forest I'm looking for. This forest is a quiet forest covered in grey dense fog. Or even a forest covered in snow on a gray day.

A beautiful elegant fragrance but not a purchase candidate for me. The search continues.
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