

Punx13 4 years ago 34 9
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Hesitation for advanced students
Normal procedure:
I get a sample or bottling,
Test 1: likes or dislikes, many fall out after the first test, adios, this will not work out between the two of us, I am very rigorous
Test 2: second chance, shortlist, test a few times on different days, either he falls out or:
I really like the scent, the nasty want to have reflex

*joke modean*
You know what I mean and which trains of thought plague us perfumes: which scent can be put into the souk, check your account balance, check your Paypal balance, how much dog or cat food is still there, how long will the gasoline for the car last, weekend shopping is totally overrated, men/women/children can't eat at their relatives' until the first of the next month.....the usual even if you want to have a scent :-)
*joke mode off*

Then I see if I can get a bottle in the souk or find a good price with one of the usual suspects.

With Bal d'Afrique, it was different somehow.

I used up the sample, the question came up: buy a bottle...oh not yet, it's nice but does it have to be?

The next 10 ml as a bottling bought here, used up, buy a bottle...neeeeee still not..but it's sooo beautiful ....but you actually don't like this flowery one, angels + devils on the shoulders were clearly noticeable.

Another 10 ml bought here as a bottling and consumed in record time.... damn it, why doesn't anybody here in the souk sell a bottle??

This little wonderfully smelling beast has so crept into my scented heart, unbelievable....why is it that nobody here still sells a bottle in the souk??

Some people sniff coconut here, fortunately I don't notice that at all, violets also not really, the complete scent is beautiful, creamy, fruity, fluffy, light and bright
Round, soft, interwoven, no fragrance sticks out, extremely well done.
I would classify it as unisex, this fragrance is wearable for everyone, uncomplicated and friendly.
With me the fragrance develops an amazing durability of 8 hours and more.

There are days when you just want to feel completely comfortable and well cared for.
On such days the fragrance should not polarize, deter, attract attention or enter the room in front of you.

Spring days, long summer evenings, sunny autumn days, first dates, business appointments, as a mood enhancer, the cosy day on the sofa, Bal d'Afrique simply always fits.

The Devil won, and I finally ordered a bottle... and don't worry, the hubby and the cats are well taken care of and don't go hungry :-)